Form W-9 is a tax form used by U.S. businesses to request the taxpayer identification number (TIN) of individuals or organizations. If you are self-employed, such as a freelancer or independent contractor, and receive income from a company, they may ask you to fill out and submit a Form W-9.
This information will be used to prepare a 1099 form and report any payments sent to you to the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) for tax purposes. Additionally, if you hire independent contractors in your business, you may need to request a completed Form W-9 from them in order to properly report their income to the IRS. It’s important to make sure the information you provide on 2023 Form W-9 is accurate and complete, as it will be used for tax reporting purposes.

To fill out Form W-9 for a freelancer, you will need to provide your name, taxpayer identification number (TIN), and address. Your TIN can be your social security number (SSN) if you are an individual or your employer identification number (EIN) if you are a business entity. In general, Form W-9 is used by U.S. businesses to request a TIN from individuals or organizations that will receive income from them. The information provided on Form W-9 will be used to report any income you receive to the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) for tax purposes.
Here are the steps to fill out Form W-9 for a freelancer:
- Download the latest version of Form W-9 from here.
- Enter your name in the “Name” field at the top of the form. If you are a sole proprietor or single-member LLC, you should enter your individual name. If you are a business entity, such as a corporation or partnership, you should enter your business name.
- Enter your TIN in the “TIN” field. If you are an individual, this will be your SSN. If you are a business entity, this will be your EIN.
- Enter your address in the “Address” field. This should be your current mailing address, not your business address.
- Check the appropriate box to indicate your tax status. If you are an individual, you should check the “Individual/sole proprietor” box. If you are a business entity, you should check the appropriate box depending on your type of entity.
- Sign and date the form. You must sign and date the form in order for it to be valid.
- Submit the completed form to the business that is requesting it. (Remember, you do not submit your W-9 form to IRS)
It’s important to make sure the information you provide on Form W-9 is accurate and complete, as it will be used for tax reporting purposes. If you have any specific questions or concerns about filling out Form W-9 for a freelancer, you should consult a tax professional or the IRS for guidance.
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